Creative ideas for 6v6 volleyball drills

12/10/2024 |

As volleyball coaches, we know how important it is to help our team grow and improve. 6v6 drills are a great way to help players strengthen their skills and teamwork. In this blog, we’ll discuss three common questions coaches often ask about 6v6 exercises. Additionally, we’ll provide examples of drills we can find on VolleyballXL that we can implement in our training sessions. Whether we’re working on communication, focus, or teamwork, the right volleyball drills will bring out the best in our players!

Drill: Run, Forest, Run

“Run, Forest, Run” is a 6v6 drill focused on blocking. Players must quickly move into the right position to block an attack, improving their timing and communication to strengthen defense.

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u18, Seniors
Run, Forrest, Run!

Note: In the video, this drill is demonstrated with fewer than 12 players, but you can expand it to a 6v6 drill yourself.

Drill: Shadow Transition

“Shadow Transition” is a warm-up drill for 6v6 that trains defensive positioning without using a ball. Players practice moving quickly between positions and learn how to effectively cover the court in defense

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u18, Seniors
Shadow Transition

Note: In the shown video, the drill is demonstrated on one side of the net, but you can obviously add a six-player team on the other side.

Drill: Long/Short

The “Long/Short” drill helps players react quickly after the ball. In this drill, they learn to adjust to balls played deep (long) or short (short), improving their speed and reactions for both offense and defense. This is not a typical 6v6 drill, but it is an exercise you can do with 12 players, with 6 players on each side of the net.

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u18, Seniors
Long Short

1. How can I improve communication between my players?

Good communication is key to success in volleyball. During 6v6 drills, players can improve their communication by incorporating specific routines, such as calling names when making a pass or shouting “mine” when going for a ball. This helps avoid confusion and ensures smoother gameplay.

2. How can I increase focus and intensity?

To maintain high focus and intensity, it’s important to vary drills and add competitive elements. For example, you can keep score or organize mini-matches. Variation prevents boredom and keeps players sharp.

3. How can I improve teamwork and collaboration?

6v6 exercises are perfect for strengthening teamwork within your group. By selecting drills that require players to understand their position and role, you build a strong sense of team spirit. It’s essential for each player to be aware of their responsibilities and collaborate effectively with others on the court

Applying Techniques in 6v6 Drills

In 6v6 drills, you can apply various techniques like passing, setting, hitting and serving to improve specific aspects of the game. By varying drills and focusing on skills such as communication, timing, defense, and speed, players can better respond to different situations during a match. This not only enhances individual abilities but also improves overall team dynamics and collaboration.

6v6 volleyball drills are an excellent way to develop your team. By integrating drills like “Run, Forest, Run,” “Shadow Transition,” and “Long/Short,” you’ll improve not only technical skills but also communication and teamwork, which are essential for success on the court.